Message of Chairman (Muhammad Ijaz Noori)

Welcome to the website of the Pakistan Council for Social Welfare & Human Rights (PCSW&HR). PCSWHR believes on durable peace, social justice, women empowerment, equality and social phenomena of protection of human beings without any discrimination of race, creed tribes, gender and religion. We believe on social symmetry in all the integrated social institutions like potential, Social and religious like all aspect of social life of human beings. It is very important for human prosperity, according to charter of human rights that economical rights of humanity are necessary for subsistence and survival to fittest. To convene the global peace and social economical prosperity of human beings, PCSWHR has working relationship with all minorities living in Pakistan from bottom to top level. We believe that human rights depend upon the collective efforts for the prosperity. All the Universal religions teach us the moral lesson of collecting for the betterment of humanity. PCSWHR has followed the Universal charter of human rights and has workable roots in the local community of different creeds. According to the all-Universal religions of the World, Human rights depend upon the fundamental truth of collective efforts, which PCSWHR has followed.

We respect the uniqueness of each tradition, and differences of practice or belief. We value voices that respect others, and believe that sharing our values and wisdom can lead us to act for the good of all. We wishe to develop friendly relationship among the followers of all Universal Religions based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace, socio-economic peaceful religious coexistence and communal understanding.

Islam presents the best practical model of tolerance. It is a baseless fabrication that Islam is not disposed to tolerating people belonging to other creeds, ideologies and religions. The history of Islam offers models of religious tolerance, equality, justice, peace, interfaith harmony, universal brotherhood, safeguard of the minorities rights, democracy and best treatment of persons belonging to different faiths. To eradicate the conceptual misunderstanding PCSW&HR thinks that it is need of hour to adopt joint effective strategies by the global community to achieve the Millennium Development Goals particularly to promote the equal quality education, vocational & life skills trainings, equal sustainable development, protection of each others human rights ensured in the convention of human rights and others rights based UN Charters, in their respective jurisdictions at grass root level to prepare the communities particularly new generations to effectively response the terrorists and extremists negative campaigns against humanity.

Thanks for your attention. Any suggestions or advice to our work would be welcomed.

Message by Executive Director. (Mr. Mansoor Ahmed)

Welcome to our organization Pakistan Council for Social Welfare & Human Right (PCSW&HR) PCSW&HR is committed to bring social changes and aims to improve the socio-economic conditions of most vulnerable population through adopting participatory approaches in multi sectors especially health, education, women empowerment, emergency response in disasters, child rights, social development, sustainable peace etc at grass root level.

PCSW&HR practically works for the promotion for inter-faith harmony, protection of human rights. This organization visualizes a society with justice, equality durable peace, eradication of terrorism & extremism, universal brotherhood, free of corruption & poverty, violence, gender sensitization, equal opportunities for social & economic empowerment to all citizens, women empowerment, protection of child rights, human rights and Minorities rights in Pakistan without any prejudice or bias to color, creed, religion or caste. We have dedicated ourselves to serve the suffering humanity with our collective efforts. Your valuable suggestions or comments will be helpful for us to serve the humanity in more effective way. God may help and guide us to serve the humanity as he desire. God may prevail peace on earth.

Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) at United Nation has granted the special Consultative Status to our organization “Pakistan Council for Social
Welfare & Human Rights” (PCSW&HR) This special Consultative Status enables PCSW&HR to actively engage with ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies, as well
as with the United Nations Secretariat, programmes, funds and agencies in a number of ways. This special consultative status entitles the PCSW&HR to
designate its official representatives to the United Nations Headquarters in New York and the United Nations offices in Geneva and Vienna. After
attaining this special consultative status with ECOSOC, the PCSW&HR’s representatives will be able to register for and participate in events,
conferences and activities of the United Nations, and organizations in general and special consultative status may designate authorized
representatives to sit as observers at public meetings of ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies, General Assembly, Human Rights Council and other United
Nations intergovernmental decision-making bodies. Special consultative status with ECOSOC is not only honor for our organization, it is also great
honor for our country Pakistan, really it is recognition of our work for humanity, support, guidance and appreciation by all of our friends time to
time to improve our quality of work. PCSW&HR will continue its efforts for the protection of human rights, promotion of interfaith harmony, culture of
peace, justice, social tolerance and will feel great honor to work with United Nation especially ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies and play it role to
achieve the noble goals of ECOSOC at United Nation. This special consultative status will also provide us the opportunity to promote & restore the
true soft and peaceful image of Pakistan around the world that Pakistan is peace loving nation and its people love humanity and culture of peace
without any dissemination of religions. Through the platform of ECOSOC we may also present this image around the world that in Pakistan all citizens
enjoying the equal rights and religion does not become the basis for any discrimination and our constitution does not give any superiority or
privilege to the Muslims on any ground. “May God help and guide us to serve the humanity as he desires”

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