The Organization

Pakistan Council for Social Welfare & Human Rights (PCSW&HR) was formed in 1992, with Mr. Mehmud Ali a veteran of the Pakistan Movement, as the Patron.  The society started off with the aim to work for the human rights, inter-religious harmony, justice and sustainable peace in the Pakistani society. The strategy adopted was through promotion of inter-religious dialogues at the grass roots. The cope was soon widened to include ensuring implantation of the conventions on child rights. The organization stands registered with Social Welfare Department, Government of the Punjab, under the Voluntary Social welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Ordinance (XLVI of 1961) with its register office in Sialkot Pakistan


This organization visualizes a society with justice, equality durable peace, universal brotherhood, free of poverty, violence, equal opportunities for social and economic empowerment to all citizens. Protection of child rights, human rights and Minority rights in Pakistan without any prejudice or bias to color, creed, religion or caste.

Pakistan Council for Social Welfare and Human Rights is a voluntary coordinating organ among the National and International Human Rights and Social Welfare Organizations for the welfare of Humanity. This Council practically works for the promotion for inter-religious relations, social welfare, child rights, women rights, Literacy Development, Social Justice, Sustainable peace and equality through community participation at grass roots level.


Universal respect and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion article 55(c ) of the UN charter was the light-house for the establishment of the council .keeping in view the above Ground Norms we established the following objectives for us.

1.    To protect human rights by providing a forum of interaction between different groups in the society
2.    To establish peace, justice and equality through awareness activities and process of social mobilization. Later in 1996 the objectives of the organization was expanded to include social development through participatory approaches and
3.    Protection of child rights at any level according to CRC.
4.    Gender sensitization, development and empowerment of women

Basic Areas of Work

1.    Protection & Promotion of Human Rights.
2.    Promotion of inter-religious dialogues and harmony
3.    Protection of minorities' rights.
4.    Protection of child rights according to CRC
5.     Relief and Rehabilitation Work in Emergencies
6.     Rehabilitation of Disasters Affected People
7.    Promotion of formal & non-formal education.
8.    Adult Literacy.
9.    Protection of women rights.
10. Protection of environment.
11. Preventive, curative and reproductive health.


UNICEF (United Nations Children Fund)
OBOS 'The One Body One Spirit Movement' Korea
Public and Private Sectors
Education Department Government of Punjab
Government of Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJ&K)
United Religions Initiative (URI) USA
WWSF World Woman Summit Foundation Geneva, Switzerland
Sialkot Chamber of Commerce & Industry Sialkot
District Government of Sialkot.
National Commission for Human Development (NCHD)
Green Star Social Marketing Pakistan

Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) at United Nation has granted the special Consultative Status to our organization “Pakistan Council for Social
Welfare & Human Rights” (PCSW&HR) This special Consultative Status enables PCSW&HR to actively engage with ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies, as well
as with the United Nations Secretariat, programmes, funds and agencies in a number of ways. This special consultative status entitles the PCSW&HR to
designate its official representatives to the United Nations Headquarters in New York and the United Nations offices in Geneva and Vienna. After
attaining this special consultative status with ECOSOC, the PCSW&HR’s representatives will be able to register for and participate in events,
conferences and activities of the United Nations, and organizations in general and special consultative status may designate authorized
representatives to sit as observers at public meetings of ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies, General Assembly, Human Rights Council and other United
Nations intergovernmental decision-making bodies. Special consultative status with ECOSOC is not only honor for our organization, it is also great
honor for our country Pakistan, really it is recognition of our work for humanity, support, guidance and appreciation by all of our friends time to
time to improve our quality of work. PCSW&HR will continue its efforts for the protection of human rights, promotion of interfaith harmony, culture of
peace, justice, social tolerance and will feel great honor to work with United Nation especially ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies and play it role to
achieve the noble goals of ECOSOC at United Nation. This special consultative status will also provide us the opportunity to promote & restore the
true soft and peaceful image of Pakistan around the world that Pakistan is peace loving nation and its people love humanity and culture of peace
without any dissemination of religions. Through the platform of ECOSOC we may also present this image around the world that in Pakistan all citizens
enjoying the equal rights and religion does not become the basis for any discrimination and our constitution does not give any superiority or
privilege to the Muslims on any ground. “May God help and guide us to serve the humanity as he desires”

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